Seedstars Prague 2017 - Decadoo

Andrej Probst, 15. jún 2017, Startup, čítalo 11450 ľudí

Seedstars organized startup competition in Prague on Thursday June 8th. Nine finalists presented their ideas in 5 minutes pitch plus 5 minutes for questions and answers.

Here we present Romanian startup Decadoo – gifts inspiration.


Main idea:

  1. User answers some basic questions: Who are you looking for a gift (gender, age, characteristic)? For which occasion? What type of gift? What is your budget?
  2. Decadoo creates set of recommendations (list of gifts) according to profile of described person and sends it to the user. Recommendations are created through Artificial intelligence, Machine learning and Manual work.
  3. User chooses gift.

Business model:

  • Gift inspirations are free for users.
  • Decadoo is looking for partnerships with online shops and it promotes their gifts in recommendations. Decadoo gets commissions through affiliate marketing or PPC.

Decadoo in numbers in December 2016:

  • Around 3 000 users who asked for gift and received recommendations.
  • Around 2 700 clicks on the links in the emails. Potential source of income for Decadoo.
  • 6 100 unique visitors in one week. Christmas is good timing for gifts.
  • 14 online shops partnering with Decadoo.
  • 10-20 orders per day without promotion.


  • There are big competitors like Amazon for example who provides recommendations as well. But they do it automatically. Advantage of Decadoo is in human to human interaction, where recommendations are refined by manual work.

Small note:

This gift translated to French is “de cadeau”. Romanian and French languages have the same roots.

If you live in Romania, you can try to find some suitable gift on .

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